Teaching Staff DE
Date Posted : 2022-05-20
School of Information, Computer, and Communication Technology (ICT)
Associate Professor
Phone Rangsit
Phone Bangkadi
Phone Extension

Academic Awards

Research Areas
Multidimensional systems and signal processing, Robust control, Image processing, Wavelet and filter bank, Signal processing for communication, Convolutional code design.
Research Interests
Digital Signal Processing

Multidimensional signal processing has become more popular lately due to its efficiency and greater degree of freedom in the design. However, the design and analysis of multidimensional systems are generally more complicated and requires thorough understanding of abstract algebra. Applications of multidimensional DSP include image compression, video coding, multi-sensor system design, filter bank design and wavelet.

Multidimensional System/Robust Control

Over several decades, great effort has been invested in the finding of a multivariate (n-D) polynomial matrix factorization algorithm. The problem has been completely solved only for the bivariate case. Recently with the usage of Groebner basis and conventional algebra, some n-D matrix factorization algorithms have been developed for some special cases. The general problem however, remains open. The solution to this problem will simultaneously solve many other important problems and can be directly applied to the multidimensional system realization and synthesis.

Signal Processing for Communication and Coding Theory

Many signal processing techniques such as adaptive filtering and spectral analysis are used to improve the fidelity of the transmission and reception of digital signals. Unlike source coding, channel coding is used for the purpose of protecting the transmitted bit stream from erroneous receiving. Correction and detection of error bits by means of algebraic coding techniques such as 1-D and 2-D convolutional code are usually employed. Topics of interest include: adaptive filtering, power spectrum estimation, array processing, 2-D convolutional code design, and application-specific coding design.
Work Experiences

Theses Supervised
Master Theses Supervised

2007 :Amnart Chaichoet. Implementation of Base Station Receiver in WCDMA System.
Current :Ahmed Muflih. Study of Network Mobility and Route Optimization Problem.

Doctoral Theses Supervised

Current :Ekularn Dhavarudha. Cost and Performance Analysis of All Optical Network Switching: Optical Burst Switch (OBS) and Optical Circuit Switch (OCS).
Current :Pramote Jangisarakul. Multidimensional Code Design and Its Related Issues.
Current :Amnart Thamrongmas. Multidimensional Filters and Filter Bank Design Using Groebner Basis.

Professional Activities

List of Publications

Sirindhorn International Institute of Technology,
Thammasat University - Rangsit Campus
99 Moo 18, Km. 41 on Paholyothin Highway Khlong Luang, Pathum Thani 12120, Thailand
Tel : +66-2-986-9009~13,+66-2-986-9103~10, +66-2-564-3221~9
Fax : 02-986-9112-3